View the completed Neighbourhood plan for Ewhurst and Ellens Green
JULY 2022

After much hard work, especially over the last 18 months, the Ewhurst & Ellens Green Neighbourhood Plan finally went to a Referendum vote on Thursday June 30th . As previously advised, it was a simple case of 50.1% of the votes cast would decide the outcome.
I am delighted to report that there was an overwhelming vote in favour of adopting our Neighbourhood Plan and, as such, it is now ‘made’.
The votes cast were as follows:
Total Votes Cast: 503 (27% of the Electorate)
Votes in favour: 482 (96% of votes cast)
Votes against: 21 (4% of votes cast)
The significant weight this will add when deciding on the future of the Parish in general, and most specifically on future planning applications in particular, cannot be underestimated and I thank everyone involved over the years for their great efforts in helping achieve this milestone which will benefit us all.
Thank you.
Nigel Clowes
Chairman, Ewhurst & Ellens Green Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - July 1st 2022